Archive-name: Slaves/theresa2.txt
Archive-author: Dr. Phil
Archive-title: Story of Theresa, The - 2
                           Part II

   Theresa clutched her knees to her chest and rocked slowly back
and forth as she sobbed. Her orgasm was over but her body was still
rocked by occasional tremors. Just remembering what had happened to
her minutes before was enough to make her body spasm and her teeth
chatter. Jimmy looked down at her the whole while, with a self-
satisfied grin on his face. He had set himself a goal earlier in
the day of merely fucking the shy girl. He hadn't had anything from
Cindy in a couple of days because of her period, and he thought
laying Theresa would be an interesting challenge. She was sooo prim
and proper. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. No wonder Cindy
despised her! Now that he'd stripped and spanked her and watched
her frig herself off with his finger in her asshole, and BEG for
more... he knew he had himself some Class A pussy any time he
wanted it, and any WAY he wanted it! Theresa seemed to thrive on
the helplessness... the humiliation. Well, he planned to see that
she got all that she could handle. It was a tough job, he
snickered, but SOMEBODY had to be responsible for spanking this hot
   "Come on" he said as he he grabbed her by the shoulders and
pulled her into a kneeling position. "Before I fuck you, I think
you should get a better look at my apartment. I think you should
walk around the place, check out every room, look in every corner
and make yourself feel at home... Oh, you know what would be really
fun? I think you should do it by crawling around on your hands and
   Theresa looked up at Jimmy for a moment but then immediately
leaned over and put her hands on the floor. She slowly began
crawling around the living room floor while Jimmy encouraged her
"That's right! Wiggle that little red ass for me ... ooohh yeah!
Wiggle that thing!" 
   Theresa was mortified but she was also getting hot again! It
seemed incredible but the more she degraded herself in front of
Jimmy, the hotter she got. Was there something wrong with her? Was
she a pervert or something? She didn't care. She wanted even more!
   "Now lower your head more. Get on your elbows and drag your
titties on the carpet as you crawl. Keep that ass up in the air and
wiggling for me..... yeah!... what a shot!" Jimmy had been sitting
in a chair watching her but now he got up and followed behind her,
fondling her ass as she crawled in this manner. The friction of her
nipples against the short coarse carpet, combined with his fingers
tickling her asshole made her stop and shiver every few feet.
, his hand came down hard on her ass, "Don't stop, keep
   In this manner Theresa made her slow shameful journey around the
entire apartment. At one point she rolled onto her side and curled
into a ball, moaning, her fingers rubbing frantically at her cunt
while her nipples tingled in torment from the friction of the
coarse carpet. 
   ... "Stop that!" He warned, as his hand came down and
again caught the meaty globe of her exposed asscheek. "Get back up
on your knees and arms. You can't touch yourself until I tell you
to." Whimpering, Theresa got back into position, her ass smarting
from this last blow to her disappearing dignity. God, she was hot!
The way he dominated her made her want to give herself up to him
totally, to do anything he wished. She knew she could refuse him
nothing. She wallowed in her own degradation, craving his next
demand upon her. She didn't have to wait long. 
   When she finally crawled back into the living room he told her
to straddle a low stool in front of the couch. With some rope and
a couple of old ties he bound her in place over the stool, her
hands on one side and her knees on the other. He spread her knees
as he bound them to the legs of the stool. This kept her ass wide
open and her puckered little anus on display. Her furry little
pussy peeked out at him from below her reddened ass. He crouched
there beside her for awhile, enjoying the view and teasing her rear
end with lightly moving fingers and soft pats. Theresa moaned and
moved her hips in circles as best she could in her confinement. 
   Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Who in the hell could that be?"
Jimmy asked, slightly amused.
   When he got up and began walking to the door Theresa wailed out
"No! you're not going to answer that, are you? You can't let
anybody SEE me like this! PLEASE!"
   Jimmy chuckled as he unlocked and opened the door about half
way. It was his roommate's younger brother Richie, and his friend
   "Is Teddy around?" Richie asked. "I wanted to know if I could
borrow his car tonight if he's not using it." 
   Richie had just gotten his license that summer. He and Steve
wanted to borrow the car to try and pick up some girls and have a
few laughs. Well, if it's laughs they were after...
   "Come on in!" Jimmy said as he swung the door wide. "Teddy won't
be home for another hour or so. You guys can wait here if you
want." The two boys walked into the apartment and when they saw the
naked girl tied like that over the stool they gasped. 
   "Oh, have you guys met Theresa Stahl?" Theresa sobbed a little
and wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
   "Theresa Stahl!" gasped Steve. That can't be Theresa, can it?"
The boys were greatly confused. They both knew Theresa's brother
and had been to the Stahl home many times. Theresa was a good
looking girl, but very shy and studious. They made little jokes
about her shyness, and her tits, but now they couldn't believe that
this white ass that was twisting in their faces belonged to
   "Sure it can!" laughed Jimmy. "Theresa, turn your face this way
so the guys can look at you. Hurry! You don't want me to have to
SPANK you again in front of the boys, do you?" Jimmy continued
chuckling as Theresa moved her head and stared at the stunned boys.
He was enjoying her shame immensely and his mind was reeling with
new ideas to further humiliate her. 
   "Come on in, don't be shy. She loves this. You won't believe it,
but having you boys see her like this is really turning her on,
isn't that right, Theresa?" Jimmy smiled at Theresa but she
sniffled and turned her head away in shame. . "I said,
isn't that RIGHT, Theresa? And don't turn your head away when we're
talking to you."
   "Theresa turned back to look at the boys and said, "Yes, that's
   "Let me introduce you boys to Theresa's ass" Jimmy said,
motioning towards the pink and white flesh in front of him. "You
guys should have been here about fifteen minutes ago! She took all
her clothes off and begged me to give her a spanking... so I did!
You can see how red her ass still is. After that she crawled around
on the floor for me, dragging her tits on the rug and begging me to
fuck her. I was just about to do that now when you guys showed up.
Would you like to feel her up a little?"
   Richie and Steve looked at each other and hesitated just a bit.
Though they'd never admit it, they were both still virgins and had
never seen a girl completely naked before, let alone touched one!
Richie was staring with interest at Theresa's asshole, which was
clearly visible since her asscheeks were spread so wide. It
appeared to be pulsing a bit and there was a little wetness around
it, like sweat. He couldn't believe that a girl, ANY girl, would
let herself be seen this way. This was the most shameful exposure
imaginable. A few inches below her asshole he saw what looked like
a small pouch hanging between her legs. A small pouch with a slit
in it! That must be her cunt! It had a little light hair around it
and dangled there so invitingly, he felt like he wanted to grab it.
His cock was hard as a rock and he had a tingling up and down it
and in his balls that he thought would drive him nuts if he didn't
jack off. The more he stared at Theresa the harder he got. Finally,
he moved closer to her and hesitantly placed one hand on her ass.
It felt so silky! It was also warm, probably from the recent
spanking she'd had. Slowly he began feeling up her ass and he even
got bold enough to let his right hand move over that little pouch
of hers and feel the slit!
   While he was doing this Steve moved over and crouched down to
look at Theresa's tits, which were hanging just over the far edge
of the stool. The nipples were long and looked like big pencil
erasers! He stared at her face for a minute and saw her lips
quivering from Richie's hands feeling up her ass. Steve reached
both hands under Theresa's chin and grabbed her tits. He began
massaging them and rubbing his fingers across the hard nipples.
Theresa began moaning and squirming now. This caused all three boys
to laugh and Jimmy taunted her saying "You like being our own
little playmate, don't you? Yes! I'm sure you do. Your pussy's all
wet! You can't hide that from us!" 
   Jimmy said "Watch this!" then stuck his two fingers into his
mouth to moisten them. He then crammed them into Theresa's
squirming cunt. She gasped and began rotating her hips faster and
faster. "What a hot bitch!" He pulled his fingers out and gave her
another hard slap, this time right on the center of her ass. All
three of them laughed again and continued tormenting her without
relief. They kept her at it for nearly an hour. Pulling her
nipples, tickling her asshole and cunt and slapping her now deeply
reddened asscheeks. Theresa began thrashing about. Thank God she
was tied in place or she could have hurt herself. She moaned and
begged and pleaded the boys to fuck her, and all they did was laugh
at her and continue the torment.
   All of a sudden they heard the sound of voices outside the door
and a key turning in the lock. Theresa was too far out of it to
notice but the boys looked up in time to see the door open and
Teddy walk in. That wouldn't have been too bad, except that he
wasn't alone. He had his girlfriend Tina with him, and Cindy. The
three newcomers stared in shock at the scene before them. Jimmy and
the two boys were fully dressed and hovering like vultures around
the nude body of a squirming young girl. And she certainly was
squirming! Her whole body was shivering. Her reddened ass was
making circles in the air. Her tongue was flicking from side to
side in her mouth, stopping only long enough for her to beg someone
to fuck her! There was something strangely familiar about the young
slut and when she thrashed her head sideways to expose her face
Cindy yelled out "THERESA!!" Theresa stopped moving instantly and
peered back at the trio standing by the door. As soon as she
recognized who they were she cried out "NO! Make them leave! I
don't want them to see me this way!"
   Jimmy nervously waited to see what Cindy would say. Thank God
the other boys were there so it wasn't just he and Theresa. He saw
anger flash in Cindy's eyes and then, to his surprise, she leaned
her head back and started laughing her heart out! "Theresa Stahl!
Well, well. Our stuck-up little bookworm isn't so stuck up after
all! Did you do this to her, Jimmy?"
   Jimmy tried to sound offhand as he said "Sure... the three of us
did. She was teasing us and when she stripped down and begged for
a spanking I thought it might be kind of fun to oblige her."
   Teddy and Tina just looked on, although Tina had a small smile
on her face and Teddy suddenly had a huge bulge in his pants. Tina
didn't have anything against Theresa, but the lusty sight of what
was going on started having an affect on her. She didn't know why,
but she was excited by the spectacle of a pretty young thing like
Theresa trussed up and spanked. Tina thought she'd hang around and
watch a little. From the look in his eyes she didn't think Teddy
would object.
   Cindy, on the other hand, made it clear that she wanted in on
the action immediately. She held herself in control but it was
obvious that her jealousy, combined with her natural meanness and
desire to humiliate this little stuck up bitch, made this a perfect
opportunity for her to do a little ass-kicking herself.
   "Don't let ME stop you boys", she said menacingly. "This little
bitch had us all fooled with her `butter wouldn't melt in her
mouth' act. If I had my way, I'd drag her down to the ballfield
just the way she is now and hang her by her feet and hands from the
little swing set so the local `tough guys' could get a real good
laugh at her, hanging there with a red ass and cream dripping out
of her cunt!"
   The sheer erotic vision of that threat had every prick in the
room hard as iron. Even Tina gasped out loud, but her smile still
gave away her innermost feelings. Theresa started to twist and cry.
Cindy answered this by walking over and quickly giving her a loud
and ringing slap on her twisting backside. "Stop that this instant,
you little slut!" Turning to Jimmy she smiled a wicked little
smile, one that Jimmy recognized from so many times in the past.
"You know, I kind of enjoy seeing her trussed up like this. From
the looks of her you boys must have been having quite a little
party with her... Say, that's an idea! I know that Meaghan and
Kathy would LOVE to see Theresa here squirming around like this.
I'm sure they could interest their boyfriends in coming over too.
Then there's Mike Whalen. He tried asking Miss Not-so-Fancy Pants
here for a date a couple of times and she wouldn't go out with him.
I can think of three or four others. Tell you what, I'll spring for
all the beer and chips myself. What do you say? About fifteen
people, tops. I'll start making the calls. Do you think you can
keep her `in the mood' for another half hour or so?"
   Jimmy was grinning from ear to ear. "I'm positive we can!" With
that Cindy went to the phone while the others clustered around to
watch Jimmy and the boys go back to work...
   "Oh! NO! PLEASE NO!" sobbed Theresa. "AHHHHHH! You can't let any
other people come over, please... please..." but it was too late.
Her fate was sealed. Jimmy bent over and whispered to her "Now, be
a good little girl. Remember the ballfield and the swing set...
She'll do it you know. You'd better get `in the mood' fast or
you'll be swinging in the breeze..."
   With that, Steve went back to work on her nipples and Jimmy
resumed fondling her open ass. Within seconds the poor tormented
girl was again writhing and moaning, this time to the laughter of
a small crowd. The sounds of light female laughter mixed in with
the boys made this doubly humiliating for her. 
   Suddenly Jimmy jumped up and said "I just got a GREAT idea! Wait
a minute..." and he rushed off into his bedroom. They heard him
digging through his things for a minute, then the sound of water
running. He returned with a big smile, and a water pistol. "Let's
have a little game while we wait!" He made a line on the carpet
with Theresa's discarded pantyhose and said, "Everybody gets five
shots. You score one point for each direct hit right on her
asshole!" Cindy heard his comments from the telephone and shouted
"All Right! I'm in!" Jimmy continued. "Like I said, one point for
each direct hit. At the end of each round the winner gets to give
her a spanking, as long as they want. Sound good to you?"
  "Great!" "I'm in" "Me too!" they all chimed. Steve kept working
on her tits as, one by one, they each crouched down at the line to
take their turn. Jimmy went first. He sighted down the barrel,
directly at the round little asshole that was about five feet away
from him and wiggling. He pulled the trigger... and scored a direct
hit! "That's one! he boasted" The sensation caused Theresa to suck
in air and moan loudly, to the delight of the crowd. Jimmy missed
on his second and third shots but scored again on his fourth and
missed his fifth. After this they each took their turn. Aiming at
her asshole was a good idea, as the natural wiggling made it a
perfect target. The other problem was that her pouting little cunt-
pouch a couple of inches below it distracted the boys somewhat.
Possibly for this reason the winner was Tina, with four out of five
perfect hits.
   "Go ahead Tina, you won. Do it! Do it!"
   Tina walked up to the shivering young girl. It was obvious that
she had been pitilessly held at the point of orgasm for a long
time. Her teeth were chattering and there was a small puddle of
cunt juice on the floor just under her swollen crotch. Tina slowly
let her hand trace along Theresa's entire body, surprised at how
hot this was making her. Finally she winked at the boys, lifted her
hand, and began spanking Theresa's ass with loud, ringing slaps.
"Oh yeah!" they all cheered. "Way to go, Tina!"
   Tina wailed Theresa's ass for a good five minutes, varying from
cheek to cheek and occasionally aiming for the exact center.
Theresa squirmed to try to get away and cried openly. The rest of
the room kept egging her on and taunting Theresa.
    Just as she was finishing they heard the doorbell ring. Cindy
went to answer it and there were Meaghan and her boyfriend, with
two cases of beer and some chips.
   "Come on it! Thanks for bringing the stuff. Let me introduce you
to our guest of honor!"
   Meaghan giggled when she saw Theresa and her boyfriend blushed
deeply. As they walked closer to get a good look at her some of the
others began arriving. Although they were all prepared for the
sight, each new person gasped when they first came in and saw
Theresa. By the time the last couple arrived, everyone was
relaxing, drinking beer, and munching. It was turning into a real
nice party, with the center of attraction receiving many pats,
pokes and little slaps from both boys and girls. A couple of the
girls brought cameras with them and snapped a few pictures of
Theresa's shame.
   Around 9:00 Jimmy told everybody to quiet down, he wanted to
show them a little trick he'd taught Theresa. He then bent over the
sobbing girl and untied her hands and knees from the little stool.
He then told her that he wanted her to crawl all around the room
again on her forearms and knees, dragging her titties on the carpet
and wiggling her ass like she'd done for him earlier that evening.
Theresa gasped and the crowd waited eagerly to see what would
happen next. Jimmy told her she'd better start now or she wouldn't
believe the things they would do to her, both here AND in the
   Biting her lower lip and with a face as scarlet as her ass,
Theresa got into the shameful position and began the most
humiliating journey of her life.
   The guests went wild! They laughed and pinched her ass as she
crawled by. More cameras flashed in the room. Theresa was crying as
she crawled but she kept her ass up as instructed. When Jimmy
yelled at her not to forget the wiggle there was a roar of laughter
in the room. When she finally headed back towards the stool she saw
Cindy sitting on the sofa with her long legs crossed and her short
skirt tucked back a bit. She had a very smug smile on her face as
she crooked her finger at Theresa and motioned for her to crawl
towards her. Theresa stopped at Cindy's feet and looked up past the
trim nylon-clad legs to the beaming face of her tormentor.
   "Sit up, Theresa. Stay on your knees but sit back on your heels
with your hands in your lap and look at me." Suddenly the room
became very quiet. "Spread your knees wider... that's a girl. Now,
you've been a very wicked little girl tonight, haven't you? After
all that teasing I'll bet you'd just love to cum, wouldn't you?...
well WOULDN'T YOU?" 
   Theresa jumped at the sharp tone and said "Y-YES Cindy".
   "Good! Well I'm going to let you cum, in front of all of our
friends here. But first, I think everybody would just LOVE to see
you play with yourself for awhile! Use your fingers and rub your
little clitty for the boys. Make those fingers blurr - but you'd
better not cum until I tell you!"
   The rest of the room looked on in fascination as the tormented
young girl began rubbing herself off. She started slowly, but she
was so hot by now that, in spite of herself, she quickly picked up
speed and began licking her lips. To further humiliate her, Cindy
made her apologize to the whole room for being such a stuck up
little snob. She had to tell them how much she enjoyed being their
entertainment and then beg them all to spank her if she ever forgot
her place in the future and began acting like a stuck-up little
smart-ass again. By now her fingers were flying and she was swaying
on her knees, nearing the orgasm she'd been kept so cruelly close
to all evening. Suddenly Cindy shouted "Stop it, Theresa! Stop it
Right Now!"
   Theresa whimpered in frustration as she stopped rubbing herself.
Her knees were vibrating and her hands were shaking. Cindy then
uncrossed her legs and patted them with her hand. With a smile she
indicated that Theresa was now to position herself across her lap.
Oh God! Was there no end to this humiliation? Cindy had a short
skirt on, but with it hiked back even more she flashed the full
length of her lovely long legs, silkily encased in nylon pantyhose.
With her knees still shaking, Theresa climbed up and managed to
drape herself across that lovely lap. The nylons felt tingly
against her naked skin as she adjusted herself over Cindy's thighs.
Theresa felt even more naked than ever as she felt Cindy's hands
come down to position her butt as a better target.
   Cindy casually played with Theresa's ass as they got settled.
She used her fingers to spread Theresa's asshole open then gently
patted and stroked the doomed flesh. 
   Finally she said, "Now I want you to turn your head so that
everybody can see your face as you're spanked. After each slap I
want you to say `Thank you, Cindy'. Don't forget now or you'll be
sorry..." Cindy gave her a sharp pinch and said "Don't look at me!
I said to keep your impertinent little face turned towards our
guests. I want you to see them laughing at you while you get your
   Theresa turned her head and saw that everyone's eyes in the room
were focused on her naked form, lying so obscenely across the lap
of the girl who had picked on her for most of her life, who always
seemed to get the better of her. She could tell from their eyes
when Cindy lifted her hand into the air. Suddenly she felt a hot
sting on her exposed asscheek and a loud slap sounded in the small
apartment. "Owwwwww!" She cried, twisting her hips just a bit, then
remembering, she said in a small voice "thank you Cindy...". She
barely got the words out of her mouth when a second stinging slap
came down on the exact same spot. "Owwwwwwww!!!!" she screeched.
That one REALLY hurt! Her reaction brought a few chuckles from the
boys and smiles from the girls. "thank you Cindy..." she remembered
to say.
   As the spanking continued she began sobbing her "thank you's"
while the laughter got more and more rowdy. Meaghan got off a
couple more snapshots while the boys tormented her with their rude
   "Wiggle that butt!" "Wow! I think she's getting off on this!"  
   "Why is the bad little girl crying? Awwww..." 
   In spite of the pain, Theresa began to notice how each hard slap
was causing her cunt to rub against Cindy's nylon-clad thighs. This
in turn was stimulating her already tormented and teased clit. She
had been held at the point of orgasm for so long that she was now
unable to stop her body from rubbing itself against the nylon
material, rubbing the sensitive little clit back and forth till she
felt herself close to the edge again!
   Oh no! She thought. Please God, don't let me cum like this!
Don't let me cum while being spanked across Cindy's lap! In front
of all the others! 
   As her body betrayed her, she looked at the laughing faces in
the room. The girls were clapping their hands in delight while the
boys were shouting rude encouragement to Cindy and making snide
remarks meant for Theresa's ears...
   "Look at her, she's gonna cum any minute! Cindy is really
wailing her ass, look at her go!" 
   "Y'know, I'd kinda like seeing her hanging by her hands and feet
at the ballfield. You think the boys that hang out there at night
might enjoy seeing her wide-open cunt on display?"  
   "Wait till I tell the guys about this, they won't believe it!
Hey Meaghan, can I have a set of those pictures when they're
developed?... Thanks!"
   "Wouldn't it be fun to make her walk all the way home like that?
I wonder what her Daddy would think of his little girl now?"
    As they hurled their remarks at Theresa, her traitorous body
kept rubbing her crotch madly against Cindy's thighs, keeping pace
with the stinging slaps of the spanking. Hours of being teased at
the edge made her gasp and rub herself off even harder, in spite of
the lewd spectacle she knew she was making of herself.
   All of a sudden she knew she was going to cum. She cried at the
shame of being spanked to orgasm by her enemy, at the same time her
body went stiff as a board. She held her breath and her whole body
trembled. Through her tears she could see everyone watching
intently as she yelled at the top of her lungs, then began jerking
all around Cindy's lap. Her orgasm was so intense that Cindy lost
her grip, allowing Theresa to fall off her knees to the floor,
where she continued thrashing around in front of the assembled
guests. The flash of Meaghan's camera added a surrealism to the
room; the voices became echoes and the faces blurrs as she
continued spasming and gasping for breath.
   When she finally came to her senses she found that her hands
were clamped tight over her pussy and her legs were drawn up into
the air, knees bent and spread wide, with her feet wiggling and
kicking. When her last spasm ended she lowered her legs and just
lay there, sobbing and thinking of the shameful specatacle she must
have presented for everyone's entertainment.
   "Damn! That was intense!" Jimmy said to Cindy, shaking his head
and chuckling in disbelief. "I had no idea she'd go this far. Can
you believe it, she actually tried teasing me and then asked if I
would take her to Laurie's party next Saturday? She must have
thought she could get even with you somehow by showing up with me
on her arm. Poooor Theresa. Looks like her little plan backfired!"
   Cindy's eyes flashed darkly for just a minute, then she smiled
smugly as she looked down at the naked girl on the carpet.
   "You know. That's not a bad idea! I think you SHOULD take her to
Laurie's party next Saturday! As a matter of fact we'll BOTH take
her. I'm sure she'll be the hit of the evening. Remind me to buy a
leash tomorrow..."

                                THE END